The Source

I must confess, I love the internet, especially Google. I am an information junkie. Any subject I want to learn about, I just type it into Google’s search bar and a plethora of websites will populate my browser for me to research to my heart’s content. I could just be on Wikipedia alone, reading about my favorite topics and clicking on various linked articles jumping from one subject to another.

I’ll admit that before I decided to train BJJ, “Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu” was at the top in my search history for several weeks. I’d research things like “BJJ basic techniques”, “Best BJJ Escapes”, “What should every BJJ White Belt know?”, “Best BJJ Players”, “BJJ Slang”, etc. I would spend hours watching Youtube videos of BJJ techniques and try to memorize them so I would be prepared, taking my first class.

Watching videos and reading up on BJJ online was helpful but nothing compared to actually coming to class and learning directly from my instructor and putting in mat time with my teammates. The variables and nuances to BJJ are so vast that one can only learn through personal instruction and experience rolling. If it were possible to earn BJJ promotions online I would be a Wikipedia BJJ Black Belt by now. Anyone can learn about BJJ but to actually, live and breathe, train BJJ, and grow in your BJJ game you first have to experience it on the mats.

Like in BJJ, we also need to have a personal intimate experience with Jesus in order to grow spiritually. We can read all the latest Christian books about God, but it will never compare to going to the source and reading His inspired Word, the Bible. We can listen to the greatest preachers but it will never compare to seeking the source through personal prayer, worship, and having a personal relationship with Jesus.

“Taste and see that the LORD is good…” – Psalm 34:8

I can talk endlessly about how delicious a particular dish is but until you actually taste it you will never truly understand how good it really is. Every person who had a personal encounter with Jesus was never the same again. So, taste and see, live and breathe Him, put in “mat” time with the source, you will stop knowing about Him and begin to truly know Him.

  • Written by Andy Truong

About Andy Truong

Andy was born and raised in the DMV area and has a background in Exercise Science from George Mason University. In addition to BJJ and volunteering in his local church, Andy’s passions include weight training, health and fitness, nutrition, camping, hiking, music, songwriting, guitar, and experiencing new cultures and foods.

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